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You are probably wondering to yourself, DYKWIA??? What the hell is that?
Well it’s an acronym for Do You Know Who I Am. It’s pronounced dick-wee-a. Translation: they are a person full of self importance when they generally aren’t that important to the rest of us! We’ve all seen them when flying or in our day to day lives. The ones we say to ourselves, who do they think they are!
One of our forum members Tony Hancock is a self proclaimed DYKWIA, where most are labelled that by others. Tony keeps us entertained with his diary updates, with an insightful view of a top tier frequent flyer and their travels. Tony travels around Australia and across the world and his writings about his adventures have been entertaining us for some time.
So if you need something to make you smile today, click on the link and have a laugh!
Happy Reading!
*Note: Although we may make fun of Tony and his DYKWIA status, he is in actual fact an all round nice guy! He is one of those people who can take the mickey out of himself for the enjoyment of others.